Devil's Hole Ranch Norwalk, WI

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30 Below Zero

It's Sunday and it's 30 below zero at our house. We made it to 8 am church and I did the readings. Aurora called. Jewels, one of our "Smoke" mares had a dun skin filly. Could I check to see if she was nursing? A spindly leg filly with a warm blanket on was vigorously nursing; Jewels attentively encouraging her. We texted reassurance to Aurora who was going to church with her family.

Sitting by the wood stove finishing breakfast, I watched our bird feeder denizens filling up on sunflower seeds while the wind whipped up snow devils to dance across our snow covered lawn.

At 30 below, life it still tenacious. It goes on despite the adversity of winter. So, even in our winter of adversity, we should endeavor to persevere.
