Cattle Drive Events
Why devil’s hole ranch?
Due to Devil's Hole Ranch's long standing heritage, traditions, and diversified operations with cattle, horses, and people, we are uniquely qualified to offer opportunities to trail ride and work cattle. With the educational purpose of helping participants gain confidence and knowledge in their horsemanship skills, as well as, cattle-handling skills, participants are given the opportunity to experience an authentic ranch setting. Ranch owner, Doc Jeff Menn says, “Success is coming away from any cattle drive or trail ride experience with more confidence in you and your horse’s ability.”
Devil’s Hole Ranch events are distinct and remarkable for a number of reasons. The value certainly exceeds the cost. These events are challenging both mentally and physically, and provide an unbeatable experience. Participants can come to our ranch over and over again and be guaranteed that they will continue to improve their horsemanship and cattle-handling skills. Participants can meet new friends and have fun each and every time! There is no need to travel hundreds of miles away when we have it all right here in Southwest Wisconsin’s Driftless Region.
About DHR events
As a fully-functioning ranch, we give our cattle herds a lot of attention. We practice rotational grazing with the cattle in order to have the best beef possible and to help improve the environment. Participants in our cattle drives will gain some actual experience moving cattle. You will further experience how we work with the land to provide the ideal environment for our cattle, our horses, and the wildlife. Cattle drive participants will improve their horsemanship and cattle-handling skills.
There is a certain expectation that you understand the risks and dangers of participating and are prepared and up for the challenge. The terrain is "hilly," as some folks say, while others say it's "rocky and has lots of creeks to cross"; both statements are correct. Safety is our number one priority and we cherish the opportunity to share a safe, fun, enjoyable weekend with you.
“Everyone was so welcoming and nice! I had the time of my life on the trails and sweeping cattle. I also learned a lot as well! Very fun experience!”
“This made my summer! I learned, had fun, [met] great people, and the riding was fantastic.”
What's next?
Check out our Clinic Schedule to find a time that works for you!
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Let's Ride! Register now (and don't forget the lodging)!